Our special offer packages and prices

Start now with the Basic or Standard Immo package

Stratus 7.x is the successor of Stratus 5.1. It is a fully redeveloped software package that is intuitive and extremely user-friendly. Choose between the packages Basic Immo, for real estate portfolios, or Standard Immo, with a de-tailed investment planner or Standard Immo plus sustainability.

Stratus 7.x is an extremely dynamic software. Further functions will be made available to users automatically after an extensive test phase. In the near fu-ture, Stratus 7.x will also be able to cover the field of infrastructures.


The 10-item subscription for small customers and
service providers

The Stratus 10-item subscription is designed for small customers or service providers who want to use Stratus 7.x for a limited period of time to analyse individual properties and who require no portfolio evaluations. The 10-item subscription offers the possibility of capturing and evaluating a maximum of 10 properties once with Stratus over a period of 12 months.

Attractive licence fees

Stratus can be used on an annual basis as a Software or as a Service. Service costs are included in the annual user fees. The software is under continuous development. Customers are always provided with the latest version auto-matically. If your needs change, you can switch to another package at any time.

Stratus 7.x. is available from an annual user fee of just CHF 1,050.00 (Basic Immo at 10 properties) or CHF 1,470.00 (Standard Immo at 10 properties) or CHF 1,838.00 (Standard Immo plus sustainability at 10 properties). Please use the contact form to send us your individual request.

Continuous further development

Stratus is developed by Stratus experts together with software developers and UX designers. The development process takes place in close collaboration with existing customers and industry experts. This guarantees the best possi-ble combination of expert knowledge, technology and application experience. We are always delighted to receive ideas for further development.

Do you have any remaining questions?

Stratus consultants will be delighted to receive your request and will person-ally advise you.